The finished gargoyle

Brett, the stone mason, has finished carving the gargoyle.   For pictures of the first day of carving please click here.

Day two of carving - the line framing the face

Day two of carving – the line framing the face

Day two of carving - cheek taking shape

Day two of carving – cheek taking shape

In the pictures below the lime mortar in the joins is fresh and has not had time to dry.  It will dry to the colour of limestone and the join will be very hard to see.  We will post a picture in a few days once the mortar has had time to dry out.

Finished gargoyle - front view

Finished gargoyle – front view

Top view - note the dimpling and join to the tower

Top view – note the dimpling and join to the tower

Showing the join underneath and the cheek

Showing the join underneath and the cheek

The underneath join tapers into the tower wall – it is not a sharp angle.  The next picture shows the join on the old side.

From the old side of the gargoyle

From the old side of the gargoyle

From the old side of the gargoyle again

From the old side of the gargoyle again

Looking up at the gargoyle

Looking up at the gargoyle

Roger and Will are continuing with work on the tower including further work on the sound openings and inside the tower and bell chamber.

Will has repaired the damaged “chequer board”, an example is shown below.

Chequer board effect needing repair

Chequer board effect needing repair

Repaired chequerboard

Repaired chequer board

Many thanks to Roger, Will and Brett for their help.

3 thoughts on “The finished gargoyle

  1. Amazing record of work done which we who do not leave the ground can only appreciate from these photo’s

  2. Amazing record of work done which we who do not leave the ground can only appreciate from these photo’s.

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